Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Flags of Our Fathers

This was a beautiful film…

I must first state though that it is quite hard to critically judge well made war movies. As far as acting was concerned, Ryan Phillippe did a fine job bringing the life and times of John Bradley to the silver screen. Jesse Bradford hit it right on the nose with the self severing personality that Rene Gagnon came back from Iwo Jima with. And possibly the best performance of the movie was that given by Adam Beach as the troubled Ira Hayes.

As far as directing goes, Clint Eastwood stood on the shoulders of Steven Spielberg (a producer of the film) and created yet another sterling World War Two era film.

What makes this film beautiful though?

It stays true to form. What is written in “Flags of Our Fathers” , by James Bradley, is what is depicted in the film. From the intensity of battle, to the significance of achievement and the disparity of exploitation, it is all there. Eastwood left no stone unturned and laid the story out on the table for everyone to experience. Enjoy.

Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiOMtdneUVc

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